The MODFABE project (2020-2022) is organized in 7 Work Packages (WPs) as described below, while a similar structure is followed in the BECLICK project (2023-2025) to continue with the previous tasks:

WP1: Management and training
WP1 aims to provide an overview of the main data management process of the project and the training actions assumed by the researchers involved on the project.

WP2: Climate change constraints affecting the Muzza system
WP2 aims to establish a baseline of climate change irrigation constraints specifically updated for the Muzza system, including a literature review process focused on the gap between water stress, water supply and water demand, the main actions to address climate change impacts, while exploring the water-energy-food nexus.

WP3: Climate change risk and vulnerability at farm level
WP3 aims to provide a farm level risks analysis from socioeconomic and environmental driving-factors to quantify the exposure, sensitivity, and adaptative capacity to climate change at farm level, while considering different type of actions, policies, and future scenarios.

WP4: Farmers and key stakeholders’ perception
WP4 aims to deepen on how farmers and key stakeholders perceive climate change impacts, actions, and barriers for adaptation to characterize their attitude-change profile and previous experience as a mechanism to check their different support and rejection scenarios.

WP5: Behavioural modelling
WP5 aims to develop and apply different behavioural models using mathematical/computational parameterized tools able to highlight and compare attitudes regarding climate change adaptation capacity from individual farmers and key stakeholders’ perception in different scenarios.

WP6: Interventions and decision-making
WP6 aims to provide managers and decision-makers with a better grasp of barriers and actions to adaptation from farmers’ experience, while identifying good practices and policy patterns from social-learning.

WP7: Dissemination
WP7 will include a communication plan to contribute to the efficient implementation of the project by ensuring that information, results and achieved outputs (publications and conference proceedings, open forums, social media) are presented correctly and disseminated to the identified target groups, key stakeholders, and the public on a timely basis and by the most effective means.